Monday, July 6, 2009

Walking and Talking

After the past couple posts that weren't so happy so I thought a fun posting about what's going on with Julian would be nice.

Talking. I know we've spoken about Signing Time before but I didn't realize just how much it would help our communication with Julian. We started watching the DVD with Julian when he was 5 months old but over the past 2 weeks his signs he finally has done more than, well, "More." While he recognizes a lot more than he does, here are the signs he's been doing:

Walking. FINALLY he took more than 2 steps in a row! Yesterday he actually walked across the living room to go between grandma and daddy (and, I admit, Pirate's Booty was involved). Today, he was a walking machine, even eventually doing downward dog and looking between his legs at me. Enjoy the chubby legs!

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